Acres Down (real-time)

28th June 2009
I took my journal with me today and wrote in "real-time" rather than in hindsight.

Is there a better use for an all-weather map than using it as a mat to sit on in the roots of an oak tree on the bank of a river?

I'm at Highland Water, again, heading back towards Acres Down and hoping it stays quiet for a little while. Strangely, I've just met again the woman I passed the other day who was sitting on a fallen tree reading her book, just up the path to my left. She was with her dog and her husband this time.
It's been a pleasant walk, if not so sunny. Indeed, it was beginning to spit with rain as I drove down but apart from a couple of spit-spots, no rain so far.

I was hoping to find a path through Mark's Ash Wood (who is Mark?) from Bolderwood Drive this time, but it looks like it's grown over or been otherwise lost. I couldn't find any kind of clear start to it so I came back another, possibly much nicer way. Along Bolderwood Drive, up through a small car park on to a path beyond a barrier and through lovely woodland over the bridge I found the other day from the other side. I'm pretty sure I "zoned out" for a while, then I got here.

There's the warm sound of pigeons and other birdsong, other than that just the scratch of my pen on the paper. I feel very content away from the scream of children and thump-muzak at home - driven out I was! :-) and grateful for it now. I could have done with some insect-repellent but it's only a couple of midges and a buzzer (a what-what?). And there are fish in stream!

There's something tapping somewhere (it was ponies crunching about in the undergrowth) and the fish are still jumping. I've been here about 1/2 an hour. I think I might move on.

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