Winter Days Diary - Frosty Day

7th December 2008

At last, whiteness! There was but one place I could go to catch the last of the sun. I went back to Telegraph Woods. Had lots of fun playing in the mud again. This time I was on a mission to get photographs of the views from the edges of the woods and of the main features - the beacon, the earthwork, the lake and the clearings. Fortunately, the frost was still lying on the sheltered open ground around the lake and in the foresty clearing a little further on, and also on the golf course and the open spaces around the Rose Bowl.

I met a mad boxer dog that seemed intent on getting this one branch detached from its tree; apparently this was no youngster. This hooligan is 10 years old. The chap and his daughter with the boxer also had a dear little wiry terrier which came and sat at my feet, gazing up at me with one paw lifted. What could I do? She was very happy to be fussed.

Later on, I met a young black labrador. As I said "Hello dog" to it (as you do), around a clump of shrub and trees I came upon the owner in jeans and white shoes staring rather forlornly at the thick, black mud. I advised him that the way improves uphill. That didn't help his present predicament but he thanked me anyway and began to rather gingerly pick his way around the goo. I had thick boots on (no gaiters - hurry up, Santa!) so I just waded through.

It was a lovely, cold walk with a dusting of frost to make a pleasant change to the usual drabness of the damp and the sun golden and heatless sinking into the west.


  1. There must be some history to the place for a name such as Telegraph Wood. I'm wondering what it is....

  2. Armada beacon near the main entrance, Iron Age fort, mediaeval coppicing, remainder of the ancient Forest of Bere.

    Will this do?
